Pitching a Story to a Magazine?

Trying to pitch a story to an editor of a magazine? Read on...

Cory Bordonaro is a Georgia-girl-gone-West, working as an Editorial Assistant for Southern Living Magazine's Travel Department in Birmingham, AL. When she's not scouring the South for stories of artisans and artists, she's working away on her own craft of letterpress printing. "Andy the Vandy," a century-old 2000 lb. printing press, currently resides in her basement. You can find her work at fourhatspress.com.

1. When scouting markets for new material, what helps a brand stand apart from the next?

The National Stationary Show (late May) was my first market experience. I was drawn to the Southern artists, and was immediately looking for people who looked like they were ready for exposure—people with hi-res images, catalogs, etc.

2. Can one to two paragraphs and a good picture really be enough to interest an editor/blogger?

 I do think succinct is the way to go. Editors get oodles of emails each day, so to be able to make a snappy and interesting pitch is key. Contact information should be prominent, so that if an editor is interested, she knows just who to follow up with for additional information.

3. What’s missing when a pitch is almost there, but not quite?

Because most magazines are bent on covering what’s new and fresh, the ‘why should I care NOW’ component is vital. A good pitch can turn into a great pitch if editors can quickly uncover why it’s important to care about the particular thing, person, place, right now (or even better, tomorrow).

4. Biggest turnoff when someone is trying to get press?

One of the most glaringly obvious mistakes people make when pitching is failing to show their understanding of the content and readership of the outlet they are pitching. If I hear someone say, “I’ve been reading your Handmade column, and see that you like to feature up-and-coming local Southern artisans,” I’d be much more willing to hear them out. Demonstrate that you’re well versed in the magazine, and you’ve automatically won some time and attention.

5. What’s the wackiest thing someone has done to get your attention? Did it work?

Rather than explaining the pitch in writing, I once had a company send a personalized video link by email. I (somewhat hesitantly) clicked on it to quickly realize that the creator had taken the time to read some of my writing, and tailor his request to me specifically. It definitely got my attention—very creative and thorough.

6. What’s the easiest way to an editor’s heart?

 Someone who merits attention—whose work or story is compelling. And, call me crazy, but I still like hand-written letters.

7. The one thing you want to find in every pitch?

Pictures! Or tangible product. If it’s new handcrafted nut butters, I want to taste it.


*Our Biz Advice Column is compiled & edited by the fabulous Amy Flurry. You can follow her @recipeforpress.



Best in Show

5 Ways to Attract Editors and Bloggers to your Booth

Consumers won’t be the only ones shopping Unique SF in a few weeks. Editors, bloggers, even TV producers will be roaming the floor, looking for new products to feature. An editor of 18 years, I’ve scouted many trade and indie markets for stories and products. Here’s what you can do to better your odds at wooing press your way.

  Announce products that are new!

Editors have a lot of ground to cover but not always the time hear your whole brand story. Point out new products or even best selling products in a new color with a tag or small sign. Why? Market editors are there to find new product before anyone else, to get a scoop. If we can spot new items without having to ask, it saves both of us time.

  Share your story

When people connect with your brand story, they are inspired to shop. When editors connect with your story, they are inspired to share it with thousands of potential customers.  Figure our ways to convey who you are in your booth design and product literature.

  Seduce press with great photos

Editors are looking for strong pictures that support your product and could possibly be used in their publication. Draw them in with great images.

  Consider custom USB drive business cards

Editors don’t want (or need) a lot of heavy promotional material to lug around. But they may want to blog about their best finds or share their favorite picks with their editors. Help them out by providing press ready, high-resolution images on a custom USB drive. Oversize 5x7” postcards with strong product photography on the front and press contact information on the back is also a great, and less expensive way of staying in front of the mind of media.

  Display past press

Success attracts success, right? If you’ve been featured in a well-known magazine or online publication, share it with your visitors. Editors want to look for those who are prepared to work with them.  We don’t need to see every last article ever written, but one or two of the best signals you have experience and understand our needs (and if you don’t, read Recipe for Press, Pitch Your Story Like the Pros & Create a Buzz).

Written by Biz Section editor Amy Flurry

Inspiration for Your Brand

When it comes to creating a new brand or relaunching your current look, the internet is such an amazing place to find inspiration. In just a few clicks of a button you can see what your competition looks like, get ideas for business cards, or find innovative packaging ideas from around the globe. I am always on the hunt for great examples to share with y'all... Here are some of my new favorites - make sure to check out my full selection of examples on our Identity Design & Branding board on Pinterest

Images via: Pinterest