Small Business Saturday

First there was Black Friday, a day of frenzied on-sale shopping that for me has turned into 'the day I stay away from most places'. Then came the whole world wide web thing, which many thought would never reach the masses (hehe), and Cyber Monday was born. Now there's something for us small folk: Small Business Saturday. While we here at UNIQUE think every day should be Small Business Day, we are excited to spread the word for the 2nd annual event (November 26th). This year after spending time with loved ones, enjoying great food and sneaking in a nice nap during Thanksgiving, how about you support a local small business? Visit a neighborhood shop, buy local produce, get a thank you card for the cook who made your great Thanksgiving feast. But while out and about, what's even more important to me is that you look for locally-made, Made in the USA goods. That will truly help our economy because it's not just the small business/retailer that you're helping but also the supplier (designers/artists/farmers/etc.). Gooooo team!

*Share your story! Please come back and comment/share your tale of Small Business Saturday with us... We'd love to hear from you!

Image by Thomas Hawk