6 Financial Tips for 2016

A Guide for Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Freelancers

By Financial Planner and Small Business Consultant Paco Nicole

HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR! Congratulations, on surviving another calendar year. It’s no small feat.

The start of the year is a natural inflection point for most of us. We make resolutions and with the beautiful potential of the 12 months that are ahead of us, achieving our goals feels totally and completely within the realm of possibility.

Through my experience working with clients and in firms, I’ve learned the best way to get the most of your year, is to take the time to examine how you did last year and reflect on what you want to achieve this year. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with a clear vision in mind. So make the time for you and your business. Pause and be mindful about setting things up for a killer 2016.

Here is a list of six things you can do to make sure you start your business on the right foot in 2016. I recommend taking a full day off to go through the steps I’ve outlined below. It’s going to take a lot of mental heavy lifting, but you and your business are worth the investment. In fact, you owe it to yourself. 

Click here for 6 Financial Tips for 2016