Unique LA Holiday Party


We wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone that came out to party with us on Saturday night! It was a blast and we definitely want to make this an annual thing, so if you weren't able to make it this time, do not fret, you'll have plenty of time to dust off your ugly sweater for our next holiday party! Here are a few pics of what exactly went down that night.

Holiday 2011 Day 2

The UNIQUE LA Holiday 2011 show is officially over and we wanted to thank all of you (attendees, vendors, sponsors, staff) for making it the biggest and best we've had so far! Even though the show is over, we're right back here at the office editing pics, looking through the footage we've filmed, and (of course) planning our next show, which may happen earlier than most of you think! Anyway, here's a few pics from Day Two; if you want more, feel free to jump to our Flickr.

DIY Workshops Announced


Time to get crafty y'all! We are excited to welcome back The Urban Craft Center, L.A. Zine Fest and the Craft and Folk Art Museum as our DIY Workshop partners at the 4th Annual Holiday Show. We're also proud to offer our own UNIQUE project as well! Free crafty fun is offered all-day long at the Holiday Show from 11-6 both Saturday and Sunday (December 3 and 4). There's no need to sign-up, simply come to UNIQUE LA and look at the Map in our printed booklet to find the DIY Lounge. See you soon!

Make a Zine This activity allows DIYers to make their very own Zine... Make one as a gift, create a biographical zine, tell a story or simply create a great visual piece of art - the possibilities are endless!

Sew a Vintage-Inspired Flower Crafters will use basic sewing skills to whip-up flowers out of fabric. The flowers can be used to make a brooch, attach to headbands/hats/hair pins, or even be used to create jewelry or appliques on pillows and quilts...

Make a Green Gift Bow CAFAM will lead crafters to make perfect paper bows out of old magazines, making this an awesome eco workshop! And one that I need to take, as I've tried to make 'nice bows' my entire life and can't seem to get it right.

The Holiday Show Participants

After spending over two months curating the vendors for our 4th Annual Holiday Show, its time to show-off our 325+ participants!The quality of Made-in-America goods that you will discover at UNIQUE LA is astounding. From fabulous dresses to gourmet jams to eco toys for babies, we've got it all. Take a peek at the Participants and we hope to see you December 3rd & 4th!